וְלֹא יֵרָאֶה לְךָ חָמֵץ וְלֹא יֵרָאֶה לְךָ שְׂאֹר בְּכָל גְּבֻלֶךָ

Online Chometz Sales

One of the prime elements of the Passover holiday is the removal of leaven products, known as “Chometz” from one’s possession because The Torah tells us that not only may a Jew not eat Chometz (leavened food) on Passover, but a Jew may not even own Chometz during Passover. It is extremely vital to take care of this obligation. Many people rid themselves of their Chometz by selling any Chometz that they own or that is in their possession to a non-jew, for at least the duration of the Pesach holiday.

Chometz” is defined as any product from wheat, barley, rye, oats, or spelt which was allowed to rise, e.g. bread, crackers, etc. This is accomplished in two ways: outright disposal of all Chometz products in one’s possession or sale of those products to a non-jew.

The sale of the Chometz property to the non-jew involves many complexities in Jewish law and should be administrated by a competent Rabbi. It is common for a community Rabbi to assist in the sale of Chometz to a non-lew by having people sign a document giving him the right to conduct the sale of their Chometz. He then goes to a non-jew who has agreed to buy the Chometz and receives a payment from him, and the property then belongs to the non-jew. At the end of Passover, the Rabb goes back to the non-jew and offers to buy the Chometz back. The non-jew typically chooses to sell it back and the Chometz returns to the original owner. Throughout the Passover holiday, the non-jew has full possession of the property and has the right to take any of the Chometz for his personal use. He does occasionally exercise this right. These procedures ensure that the jew has completely removed Chometz from his possession for the duration of Passover.

To facilitate the process of selling Chometz, to a non-jew Rabbi Glazter provides an online service and conducts the sale before the beginning of the Passover holiday. The charge for the Chometz sale is $20.

If you have any questions Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Glatzer can be reached at: (917) 642-3290‬


Please note the following deadline for the sale is Erev Pesach at 9:00 AM NY time zone.

Please fill out the form below no later than Friday, April 11th 9:00 AM NY time zone. (AT THE VERY LATEST – the sooner the better!)


Delegation of Power for the Sale of Chametz

I the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Glatzer to act in my place and stead, and on my behalf to sell all chametz possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (e.g Chometz, possible Chometz, and all kind of Chometz mixtures).

Also, chametz that tends to harden and adhere to surfaces of pans, pots, or cooking utensils, the utensils themselves, as well as pet food that contains chametz and mixtures thereof.

Rabbi Glatzer is empowered to lease all places wherein the chametz may be found, particularly at the address listed below, and elsewhere.

Rabbi Glatzer has full right to appoint any agent or substitute in his stead and said substitute shall have full right to sell and lease as provided herein.

Rabbi Glatzer also has the full power and right to act as he deems fit and proper in accordance with all the details of the Contract of Sale used in the transaction to sell all my chametz, chametz mixtures, etc., as provided horein. This power is in conformity with all Torah, Rabbinic and Civil laws.

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Seller Full Name
Students: On Campus community, Building, & room #
Feel free to contribute any amount
Minimum Price: $20.00
Give Extra?
Terms & Conditions
By clicking the "I Agree- Continue" button, you affirm that you have read this delegation of power of attorney for the sale of Chometz.

Looking to sell chametz from additional locations?

If you need to sell chametz from another home, workplace, a family member’s residence, or any other place where you’ll be over Passover—including out of town—you must submit a separate form for each location, as required by halacha.